What a coincidence!
A friend of mine made a game using this exact music! Fun game :P
What a coincidence!
A friend of mine made a game using this exact music! Fun game :P
I dont know why these guys are complaining...
Listen, bro. I PERSONALLY know how hard it is to make a game. You put alotta work into this, and I think that it is a great game. It was fast-paced and got me moving and biting my lip when the EMP first went off! :P However, I do believe that the ascension to levels didn't promise much. There were only a few types of enemies and each level you would add only one new type of obsticle. More variety would make this game a front pager. Maybe you should look up some sprites to make it look more realistic. Other than that, great job. I enjoyed this game very much.
It all went well until...
An axe cut open my teammate's head. I freaked out and went on a revenge spree.
Well done! The teammates seem much smarter now, and I'm glad that team can no longer die in searches. I skipped two towns and basically mad a straight line to the city, using only the bow and chansaw until I found the AK-47. Awesome game! 5/10
I say it was satisfactory.
A few of the reviews have good points, though rare they may be. A radar would benice. Music would be a great addition. It needs no plot... It just feeds the zombie-killing lust, and that's good enough.
My suggestions:
A bigger view of the land would help due to the fact that explosions are usually cut off or go too far. Also the zombies don't seem to be attacking anything; just standing on a road. If I was able to make this game, I would add a few civilians getting mauled to add to the intensity. The scoreboard is impossible to reach due to spammed scores by the same person. One more thing, what's up with the lag? The game doesn't seem too advanced.
Other than those, the game was good. I enjoyed it... Not much excitement or variety. Please do not think I am trying to leave a bad review, I know this is a fair score after evaluating all of these facts. Can't wait until your next submission, El-Presidente and/or reality-monkey!
I stopped when my score could no longer be read.
Horrible that it doesn't end. BUT IT WAS FREAKING FUN WHILE IT LASTED!!! O.O
I made it to...
106,340.... That's my score...
My eyes hurt....
Meh kinda boring
I likeed the animation, but its a bit early for haloween dude.
Truly amazing! ANOTHER ONE!
This game made me think... What if it was multiplayer online?
Whether you can manage that or not, great game!!
Kinda Crappy.
flipping was a major problem. too slow=flipped. too fast=flipped. medium speed=flipped. saw no rewards for beating levels. wait... how did this get front page?
I don't get it.... Could you even beat the game? Doubt it, because the shaking levels messed up my pupils man. The text im typing looks green. Whats with that? Overall... Nah Ima knock this down a level... There we go.... 3. NO SHAKING!
I bet the author couldn't even beat this without having Aspirin by his side.
This was more to the people of NG than the author so here is the review: you can do better without inducing seizures and possible eye failure.
I don't post much here, or anywhere for that matter. I have the constant feeling that I need to be better in order to deserve a chance to let others view it. You will know me before the end. Dread. Scourge.
Age 34, Male
3D Modeler/Animator
Glendale Community College
Glendale, AZ
Joined on 9/24/05