This would be perfect for...
A side-scroller game with a machine or factory level. That's what I see when I listen to this. I like the ambience of the precussion. Good job.
This would be perfect for...
A side-scroller game with a machine or factory level. That's what I see when I listen to this. I like the ambience of the precussion. Good job.
:D thanks man maybe you should make that game!
Pretty cool :D
I really liked the rhythm.
Heh... Uhh yeah...
It's very good. Although I don't like the voice. XD
Still very good. :D
Very good.
It's a good sond. Great remix.
Keep up the great work, man.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Odd review:
This song kind of made me feel like I was drowning in... space.
It's VERY well done. It runs together so smoothly...
I'm definately downloading this piece...
Oh... I forgot. :D :D :D
Your work is good! It seems like you put so much work into these. Also, like the Bay Loop, It has FUNK!!
Cheers! :D
Awesome. Better than the original because it's faster. Also the beginning added a little funk.
Not just funk... FUNK!!! :D
Fast paced and... No that's pretty much it! :D
Great work! Fun to listen to!
I am not usually inclined to review music... but the last reviews were about a year and a few months ago... So I just wanted you to know that people still listen and care. :D
Great song man! Addictive...
Heh. Great!
Good job.... That's all I don't know what else to say...
I don't post much here, or anywhere for that matter. I have the constant feeling that I need to be better in order to deserve a chance to let others view it. You will know me before the end. Dread. Scourge.
Age 34, Male
3D Modeler/Animator
Glendale Community College
Glendale, AZ
Joined on 9/24/05